It's been two years since we first collected songs that feature U.S. presidents in honor of Presidents Day. Here is the list again, updated for Presidents Day 2013.
We're sure there are other songs we've missed that name check a past or current Commander in Chief. If you know of one, please feel free to suggest it using the
Submit a Song feature on the left side of this page. Like the great experiment in democracy that is America, this list is a work in progress.
Abraham, Martin and John by Dion. The Abraham is Lincoln, the John is Kennedy (and the Martin is MLK).
Apollo by the Alan Parsons Project, an instrumental that includes a snippet of JFK's 1961 "Man on the Moon" speech.
Ballad of Ronald Reagan
by the Austin Lounge Lizards. "They called him Ronald--Ronald Reagan..."
California (Rutherford Hayes in the Morning)
by Darryl Purpose. In addition to Hayes, the song also mentions Chester A. Arthur.
by Neil Young. "Even Richard Nixon has got soul..."
(A Child's View Of) The Eisenhower Years
by Al Stewart. "Elvis on the television, G.I.s in Korea/It's a child's view of the Eisenhower years..."
Dear Mr. President
by Pink. The President in question is not identified by name, but this is clearly addressed to George W. Bush.
by Andrew McKnight, about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. "Jefferson writes, 'Dear Diary, what have I done...?'"
Do The Clinton
by the Foremen, a dance based on Bill Clinton's moves ("Hustle free trade and stage a bombing raid/Everybody do the Clinton...")
Eisenhower Blues
by Elvis Costello. "Oh oh oh I got the Eisenhower Blues/Thinking about me and you and what on earth are we gonna do?"
The End Of The Innocence
by Don Henley. "They're beating plowshares into swords/For this tired old man that we elected king." The
video for the song makes it clear that this is a reference to Ronald Reagan.
Franklin Pierce
by the Two Man Gentlemen Band. "There ain't nothing funny 'bout the death of Franklin Pierce..."
George Washington
by Andrew McKnight. "The sign says George Washington slept here/Now there's a guy who had a couple of good ideas..."
Gimme Some Truth
by John Lennon. Features perhaps the most popular epithet for Richard Nixon: "No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky/Is gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me." *
Grandpa Was A Carpenter
by John Prine. "...And voted for Eisenhower/'cause Lincoln won the war..."
Gush or Bore
by David Roth. "I won't say who I voted for, or even if 'twas Gush or Bore..."
Hard to Find by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. "Johnny F and Jackie looked like they had it all..."
Here. In My Head
by Tori Amos. "So maybe Thomas Jefferson/Wasn't born in your backyard."
Johnny Can't Read by Don Henley. A generic presidential reference: "Well, is it Teacher's fault? Oh no/Is it Mommie's fault? Oh no/Is it the President's fault? Oh no/Well, is it Johnny's fault? Oh No!"
I Do the Rock by Tim Curry. "Carter, Begin and Sadat/Brezhnev, Deng and Castro..."
Inaugural Blues
by Loudon Wainwright III features Bill Clinton: "Bill and Hill are our first couple..."
I Saw It On T.V.
by John Fogerty. You'll find two presidents in this song, only one of them mentioned by name:
1. "A man named Ike was in the White House/Big black limousine..."
2. "A young man from Boston set sail the new frontier/And we watched the dream dead-end in Dallas/We buried innocence that year..."
It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
by Bob Dylan. "Even the President of the United States has to stand naked..." Another generic reference, but we'll take it.
James K. Polk
by They Might Be Giants. "And when the votes were cast the winner was/Mr. James K. Polk, Napoleon of the stump..."
League of Notions by Al Stewart."Woodrow Wilson waves his fourteen points around..."
Like William McKinley
by Al Stewart. "I'll sit on my porch like William McKinley/And I'll let the world come to me..."
Lincoln's Man by Ben Bedford. "A lover's note, a mother's prayer, and a father's curse/But I'm Lincoln's man, I'm Lincoln's man for better or for worse."
Lindy Comes to Town by Al Stewart. "Mr. Coolidge he will say, it's a public holiday..."
Line 'Em Up
by James Taylor. "I remember Richard Nixon back in '74 and the final scene at the White House door..."
Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation
by Tom Paxton. "I got a letter from LBJ/It said 'This is your lucky day'..."
by Jefferson Airplane.Features an oblique reference to Richard Nixon: "But Mexico is under the thumb/Of a man we call Richard/And he's come to call himself king." *
by Ridi. Because, you know, it's about Obama.
by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. "Tin soldiers and Nixon coming..."
On To Victory Mr. Roosevelt
by Loudon Wainwright III. Mostly about FDR, but the last couple of stanzas are about Obama.
Presidents Day by Loudon Wainwright III. "George was the first one--Abe was the best," Loudon sings, but he expresses some regret that "there's been more than one George, I'm sorry to say."
Postcards From Richard Nixon
by Elton John. "We heard Richard Nixon say, welcome to the USA..."
Post World War Two Blues
by Al Stewart. "Uncle Ike was our American pal/Nobody talked about the Suez Canal..."
Ray & Ron
by Rod MacDonald. Compares the lives of Ray Charles and Ronald Reagan ("Ray was a musician/Ron was a president"), who died the same week.
by Sting. "Mr. Reagan says we will protect you/I don't subscribe to this point of view..."
Semper Fi by John Gorka, which tells how Gorka's father met Eleanor Roosevelt. "Her husband was the President/Til he ran out of time/Her Franklin D. was history/And they'd put him on the dime..."
by k.d. lang. "We ran on the beach with Kennedy flair."
by Country Joe and the Fish. "It's a bird it's a plane, it's a man insane, it's my President LBJ..."
Sympathy For The Devil
by the Rolling Stones. "I shouted out/Who killed the Kennedys..."
Teddy Roosevelt's Guns
by Silver Mt. Zion. "Shop and save/Beneath the western sun/Bought and paid for with Teddy Roosevelt's guns..."
Ten Cents A Coup
by Phil Ochs. "Here's to Nixon and Agnew/They are the stars of the stage and screen..." (Lyndon Johnson appears too: "I thought that Johnson was the devil...")
Tricky Dicky
by Country Joe and the Fish. Richard Nixon appears as "Tricky Dicky from Yorba Linda/The genuine plastic man..."
Two Men In The Building
by Steve Gillette, describes learning of the John F. Kennedy assassination while in Paris in 1963 ("Came a knock on the door, said the word was on the wire/They wounded your president when he drove into the crossfire...").
Warren Harding
by Al Stewart. "Warren Gamaliel Harding alone in the White House watching the sun come up on the morning of 1921..."
We Didn't Start The Fire
by Billy Joel. Mentions Harry Truman, Richard Nixon (twice!), Eisenhower, Reagan, and "JFK blown away."
William Howard Taft
by the Two Man Gentlemen Band. "William Howard Taft got himself stuck in a bath..."
Young Americans
by David Bowie. "Do you remember your President Nixon...?"
Honorable Mention to the band
The Presidents of the United States.
Submitted by Bill Gregg
With thanks to Greg Hughes.