Send us a song that features a book, author, fictional character, or other literary reference and we'll try to post it on the blog. Be sure to read the Ground Rules first!
Iron Maiden's Lord Of The Flies, from their 1995 album The X Factor, is based on William Golding's 1954 novel of the same name. In Lord of the Flies Golding depicts a group of British school boys who are stranded on a deserted island. Without adult supervision or the constraints of civilization to guide their behavior, they descend into savagery and violence. The song takes the point of view of a boy who has embraced this wild lifestyle: I like all the mixed emotion and anger/It brings out the animal the power you can feel/And feeling so high with this much adrenaline/Excited but scary to believe what we've become. [In another musical reference to Lord of the Flies, U2's song Shadows And Tall Trees, from their 1980 debut album Boy, takes its name from the title of Chapter 7 in the novel.]
Don Henley/Drivin' With Your Eyes Closed
[image: image] [image: image]
Drivin’ With Your Eyes Closed, from Don Henley's 1984 album Building the
Perfect Beast, mentions two 19th century French poet...
Smoke Signals: Secret Notes From Inside Conclave
From The Huffington Post: According to Italian media reports, a diary has
surfaced written by an anonymous cardinal who participated in the recent
Vatican ...
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